2015 UK Gravity Enduro

Don’t forget your photo ID at all rounds in 2014, no ID no ride.

Don’t forget your photo ID at all rounds in 2014, no ID no ride.

If you have not read them here is the rules that you are racing under at UKGE events in 2014.

United Kingdom Gravity Enduro Series (UKGES) Rules 2014

Scope: To define the rules specific to the UKGES. These are designed to complement
and support existing BC and UCI cycling regulations and are intended to provide rules
and guidance specifically for the UK Gravity Enduro sector. This is not downhill or
cross country, but a new discipline/format.

Your timed stages + seeding will be added together for an aggregate time which will decide the winner in each category.
The top 3 in each category will be required for the podium

1. Bike
A. Stages must be contested on the same bike. Clearly there is scope for set-up change between seeding and race day, however, the same chassis, suspension forks, rear shock, wheels and cockpit must be used for all stages and seeding. Random checks will be undertaken. Any rider contravening this will be penalised.
B. Bikes must be of a sound mechanical order and have no electronically or mechanically assisted motors. Bar end plugs or equivalent must be fitted. Official checks will be undertaken. Any rider not adhering to this will not ride the course or start the race.

2. Courses
A. Stages will be double taped where it is deemed appropriate. Taping will leave suitable line choices where possible, but it will not allow for any significant ‘cutting’ of race track. Where course tape is only present on the outside of a corner, this defines/marks the route. It is not open to inside or homemade lines.
B. Two pieces of tape on either side of the track is deemed “A gate” and must be passed through.
C. Any competitor seen to be crossing stage tape, marker posts or taking any route deemed to be off the official race track will be penalised.
D. There must be no interference with the track such as removing rocks, roots or branches (Unless there is an inherent safety risk to following riders) Any competitor deemed to be interfering with the track will be penalised.
E. Creative line choice is allowed, however, creating your own trail/line is not allowed.If a Commissaire or marshal witnesses or receives unbiased witness evidence, the rider
will be penalised. 2 riders (not from the same team) who witness another rider taking a short cut may report the rider with his/her and their number to the nearest official/marshall, stating where the offence took place, penalties will be judged on the amount of time gained plus a set penalty decided by the Commissaire.

3. Conduct
A. Competitors must behave in a sporting fashion, observe all rules and instructions provided by organisers, timing staff and marshals.
B. Should you be caught by another rider in a stage you must pull off the racing line to allow a safe passing move. The pursuing rider must give clear audible notice of which side they intend to pass. For example; the pursuing rider may shout “On your left”, allowing the slower rider to move to the right.
C. Foul or abusive language aimed at any of the Gravity Enduro series team will not be tolerated. Any such action will result in an on the day penalty. The organisers will also impose a lengthy restriction from any future events.
D. Any rider coming across an incident on stage that he/she deems serious must stop immediately and inform the nearest marshall.
E. No Motorized play things will be allowed on site.(Except for official use with prior permission)

4. Signing on
A. All competitors must sign on and pick up their number board before riding the course.
B. All competitors must leave the arena on race day at their allotted time and be signed out. Late departures will incur a penalty.
C. Race numbers will be issued at the first round; this is your number for the whole series. If this is lost a replacement will cost £5.
E. Do not tamper, modify or deface number boards in any way. Failure to comply with this will result in a penalty.

F. To sign on you must hold a current photo ID, no ID no ride.

5 .Safety Equipment
A. Helmets are compulsory and must be worn at all times, they must also be secured properly at all times, they must carry a Snell, Kite mark or EN 1078.
B. If a rider is seen without their helmet on a transition whilst on their bike, a penalty will be imposed.
C. A full face helmet is NOT compulsory, but it is highly recommended.
D. Full length gloves are compulsory, body armour is highly recommended.
F. Shoulders to be covered by at least a Tshirt or long sleeve top, NO VESTS!

6. Seeding
A. Seeding is designed to decide the running order for the following race day’s timed stages. The time from seeding will count towards your overall aggregate time. Competitors must, as a minimum, break the first timing beam at the start of the course to enable participation in the following days race.
B. Failure to complete the seeding run will result in that rider being awarded the slowest time in that category plus a 5 minute penalty.

7. Link sections
A. The organisers will mark out a link between stages and a set time to reach the next stage. Transition time is based on using the full link. Alternate links are not permitted. It is important to use the marked link so we can trace riders in case of emergency or injury.
B. Any rider caught or seen off the linking stage will incur penalties
C. We will place an A0 map + some A4’s in sign on tent for your reference.
D. Helmets must be worn whilst on your bike.

8. Elite Category
A. Any rider who has raced elite in any MTB discipline will automatically race elite in UKGE. If a rider does not wish to race in elite, then at the organisers discretion and at round 1 only, that rider will be demoted to the next applicable category pending a performance appraisal. The rider will either remain in the new category or will be promoted back up to elite dependant on his/her result for the remainder of the series.
B. Performance appraisal will be as such; If the demoted elite rider wins his/her new category and that time places them in the top 10 of elite then said rider will be promoted back to elite for the remainder of the season. Points gained will be equivalent to position in elite rankings.
C. Any rider who has not raced elite or a UKGE and wishes to race in the elite category must provide evidence of prior results to the organiser. The organisers decision is final.

9. Time penalties
A. For every minute you are late to the start of your stage, a time penalty will be added to your stage time. If you miss your call up from the start marshal, a time penalty will also apply.
B. Please note penalties also exist for not wearing your helmet and cutting transitions.

10. General
A. A second breach of any rule by a competitor will result in a harsher penalty, the organisers can also eliminate the rider from the remaining rounds of the series. No uplifting of competitors is allowed on Saturday or Sunday, if seen, you will be disqualified from the event and a possible multiple race ban may be applied.
B. There will be a riders briefing after seeding, weather and light permitting; attendance is compulsory.
C. If a stage is cancelled due to an incident, all times for that stage will be voided.
D. Gravity Enduro is by definition an Enduro, please take with you all clothes, food etc that you require to get you through the day and bring your rubbish back with you. Littering will not be tolerated.

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