2015 UK Gravity Enduro

Entries for 2015 UKGE and Personal Insurance

After British Cycling’s decision not to continue support of “Gravity Enduro” events, UKGE has had to review all of its procedures, policies and Insurance requirements.

2015 will see the evolution of Enduro in the UK, most of the organisers have already met and agreed to share ideas, contacts and any information needed, this in itself is a massive step forward for Enduro as a discipline.

BespokeNewcastle logo

Steve Parr said. “We now have a chance to shape the discipline in the UK, an opportunity I’m pretty sure none of us will see ever again. UKGE has introduced mandatory “full face” helmets on stages and the next step is every rider must have personal insurance.
 This is not a decision we have taken without great thought for you the racers, the company we have chosen as our preferred supplier is Bespoke Financial Ltd contact them now using the form below and they will call you with a quote.”

Entries will go live on Monday 2nd March 7:00am we have pushed the date back by a month to allow you time to get your insurance policy in place before you enter. As you must provide us with the name of your insurance provider and the policy number at the time you enter.

Any entries received without this information will not be accepted.

Steve, Charlie and the UKGE team look forward to seeing you around the country as we prepare stages and venues for the 2015 UKGE season.

Complete the from now, to receive a call today.


Send the form or Call to get your quote.


  1. Hi Matthew
    I am a Junior rider please could you confirm that the U18’s will not need to take out insurance, thanks.

    • Hi Ruairi,

      Under 18’s do not require insurance.

      • Hi Matthew,
        I am currently entering the Ae Forest event and I am 16 so I do not require insurance. Despite this, it will not let me enter the race without me inserting insurance details when entering. How to I get around this? Thanks.

        • Hi Charlie,

          Just enter anything in here. Such as ‘not required due to age’ and the system will let you proceed. These are all manual checked later on anyway.

  2. Hi, no problem wearing a full face (as I usually do anyway). Can you be specific about the ‘personal insurance’ requirements? Insured against what? Helicopter rescue?

    • Hi Darren,

      To race you’ll need personal accident cover (I.e cover against death and broken bones) that covers your for taking part in competitive events within the UK.

  3. Hi

    Just spent some time reading through all the previous messages.

    People just keep asking the same thing.

    Seeing as everyone is putting there 10 pence worth in,thought I would to.

    Matthew clearly has been be told what to say on the matter and is waiting on the statement. He has answered everyone’s questions and I don’t blame him for getting short with people at times.

    Most people who compete in enduro and do bike parks which im guessing you all do. You must have stacked it big and then would understand that a full face is essential. If You don’t your probably riding a bike way to expensive for your ability and riding routes far too hard creating braking bums everywhere on the trail.

    If you don’t like it people don’t enter. It’s your choice.

    Rant over.

  4. I too am put off by the up selling of Bespoke Financial especially when their company records show they have only been setup for trading since 02/06/2014.

    The full face situation was sadly a deal breaker for me but I can understand why it was enforced. The insurance however… I’d either like to know what ties you have with Bespoke financial… I’m guessing one of the organisers run’s it or there is a very good reason still waiting to be published by yourselves on the matter?

    • Hi Alex,

      Here is a couple of quotes taken from the statement on insurance published a couple of days ago. Hopefully these answer your question.

      “Bespoke financial” are providing all PLI/event insurance for UKGE in 2015. We have also chosen them as our preferred supplier for your personal accident insurance as they have not only helped us with the Federation, but put together a package that we think will be the most cost-effective for you, the rider.”

      “Bespoke Financial will provide us with the names of all riders who have cover with them, prior to any of our races. This enables race sign-on to be as fast and efficient as possible.”

      As you point out that you had already decided not to take part as you were required to wear a full face helmet, I’m not sure how this effect you. But nonetheless I hope this has addressed some of your concerns.

  5. Why can’t we just ride at our own risk? I don’t understand why Enduro is any different to other ‘extreme sports’? As a comment said further up the post, insurance isn’t required for motocross which, I’m sure many will agree, is FAR more dangerous than Enduro. So why introduce such a silly rule and then plug this ‘Bespoke’ company so much? It seems awfully suspicious don’t you think? And why bother with all this ‘mandatory fullface’ lark? Again, why not just ride at our own risk? And if that Bell 2R is fine then I’m assuming it doesn’t need to be downhill certified? So someone in a MET xc full face is absolutley fine even though the chin bar might as well be made of cheese.
    It just seems absolutley ridiculous that you suddenly need insurance to ride around for a day just because there’s sections that you’re timed across. I think you’re going to lose a lot of riders from this atrocious decision and you’ll regret it when you’re overtaken by race organisers that don’t enforce such stupid rules.

  6. Hi
    If I were covered by Steve Peat’s recommendation Total Sports Insurance, which I am currently looking at setting up, is that acceptable to your requirements for entering your series? Thank you. Adam Sutherland

    • Hi Adam,

      Yes it is.

  7. So insurance that covers third party liability and legal costs etc should be the minimum then? Because personal injury is covered by the NHS (theyre arent going to turn you away because you were ‘competing’ and most people get sick pay from their employer, if not, they have loss of earning cover anyway.
    If every person competing is personally insured up the nuts, what insurance do you guys have to have as organisers?

    I’m probably waffling but it just seems really odd to me.

  8. Whats the minimum term you can buy the insurance for? £2 a week doesn’t sound much but if we have to buy the whole year then it’s gonna be off putting.


    • Hi,

      As long as your covered for the duration of the race weekend. Up to you how long after or before you go for.

  9. Would BC Race Gold Membership cover it?

    • Hi Paul,

      Turns out that is not the case, feel free to check with bc yourself but bc insurance only covers you at a bc sanctioned event, which does not include any enduro races in the uk.


    • Hi Howard,

      You would need to check with your insurance company that this ‘covers you whilst taking part in a competitive (mtb) race in the UK.’

  11. Hi,

    I have BC gold membership and a racing licence, which as far as I am aware covers me for insurance all over Europe, is this valid for UKGE?


    • Hi David,

      Turns out that is not the case, feel free to check with bc yourself but there insurance only covers you at a bc sanctioned event, which does not include any enduro races in the uk.

  12. I take it you can received a scanned copy… Not being funny but it seems like you are trying to push bespoke financial for some reason. The plot thickens. I cant believe there still no official statement.

    • Hi Michael,

      Yes a scanned copy will be fine. I too am still awaiting a statement I can publish.

  13. All,

    Try Sports cover direct… pretty cheap in comparison to Bespoke financial.


    • Hi Michael,

      Please bear in mind that if you insure with Bespoke Financial we can check you have valid insurance. If you go with another insurance company you will need to prove to us that you have valid cover which will involve sending us documentation. Just something to consider when making you choice.

  14. This has been mentioned on other threads but I haven’t seen an answer from UKGE. If we get insurance before we get our race entries and the events sell out then we are left with insurance we don’t need/ want. Surely it makes sense to get our entry then apply for insurance.

    • Hi Justin,

      So long as you plan to enter on or shortly after the entries go live, you won’t have a problem. The reason we have done it this way around is that if we allowed people to enter before they get there personal cover sorted and then they don’t we would have to reissue that entry and if it was near race day, it might end up going to waste.

  15. I just spoke to Bespoke, seemed to be very good, they cover breaks and racing with an element of life cover, decent value at £2 a week if you ask me.

    • Hi Rob,

      Glad you happy with what’s on offer.

  16. I have just got a quotation for personal injury cover and they offered me several different levels of cover. All covered injury whilst mountain bike racing in the uk. The lowest level would give me much lower pay outs for most injuries and didn’t include dislocation and perhaps several other forms of injury. Is this sufficient? Or do we need cover for every conceivable type of injury? I want to get the lowest spec cover I can that will allow me to compete. Cheers Matt.

    • Hi Matt,

      The key point here is that it covers you whilst racing. So yes that will be sufficient.

      • Cheers Matthew. Appreciate the quick reply.

  17. I look forward to seeing the response. And please put the response on the website – not everybody lives their lives through Facebook. I would like clear reasoning why I would need insurance when I get sick pay from work , I pay for the nhs to repair me when I break. I’d like all the small print visible to read with every detail included. How does the pricing work? i assume premiums would be high as racing mountain bikes is quite a high risk sport. Id like to know why i could pay more than say the next guy who may be you ger than me, also bit of a coincidence that gaskells employer is your favoured insurance company and then she’s made a rider rep! There is alot of confusion about this amongst many people. For of which there are no obvious reasons or is it just down to your make it up as you go rule approach? Perhaps it would have been better to try and enforce this when you assemble your federation. I look forward to the full response. As do many other people.

    • Hi Andy,

      I will make sure any response is posted in all the usual places, our website, facebook (both groups) and linked to via . As to what is in any statement that is down to Steve and Charlie, but I’m sure they will be looking to address your concerns.

  18. It’s all about Money! UKGE will get there insurance for next to nothing because the consumer is paying it for them!
    “Steve Parr said. “We now have a chance to shape the discipline in the UK” he said rubbing his hands together!
    I love mtb & race. Hats off to the small events like Enduro one. Where it’s about having fun & racing!
    Six events x £70 = £420 + insurance starting from as little as £2 a week x 52 = £104 but we all starting from means double that!
    I hope we (the consumer) all stick together & boycott these events. I for one won’t be entering but I will be riding, racing & having fun!

    • Hi Ben,

      I appreciate that racing is for many too expensive. Each individual will make there own choice on this. Your comment has been approved and posted despite the fact you clearly say you won’t be taking part in these events, and this has been done in the interest of fair play.

    • Ben,

      Glad to hear you won’t be entering our events, if you honestly think I’m in this just for the money then your well and truly off base fella. I have probably done more than anyone in the UK to develop Enduro as a discipline, for very little monetary reward. Please go enjoy Enduro 1 races.


  19. Is the problem not a public liability one? (a spectator could sue the organisers/rider if hurt in an accident)…Otherwise we could just sign a waiver (ie we ride at our own risk) ???

    • Hi Rob,

      If only it were that simple waiver don’t mean squat.

  20. Hi UkGe,

    Can you please clarify is it personal insurance that we require? If so my life insurance covers me for all kinds of stupid activities competitive or not will this be valid?

    Or is it third party insurance that is required?


    • Hi Ryan,

      Sounds to me like your existing insurance will cover you, third party is not required as we provide that.

      You will need to provide us with documentation to show you are covered but more on that soon.

  21. Whilst there are benefits of having personal accident insurance of some people, what is the reason for enforcing it? Surely as an adult i can choose if I need it or not. There is not benefit to the organiser. Unless they are being paid by the insurance company, that is..?

    • Hi Dave,

      The question has come up a couple of times. I have asked Steve and Charlie to put out a statement on this so bear with us and I’ll get you an answer.

  22. Hi there
    Can you enter all the rounds from the 2nd of March or will it be say 2 months before each event like other series? It does help to spread the cost if your doing a whole series especially as there is going to be more outlay this year with full face and insurance.

    • Hi Wes,

      Entry will be split in two this year. March 2nd for the first three races and then a later date for the remaining rounds.

      • Great ,thanks.

  23. Thanks for the update. I think this is going to cause a bit of confusion I’m afraid to say. For instance I have just looked on totally insured and the first thing they ask me is what discipline it is. I can only find Downhill or mountain biking. Is my insurance the void or invalid because it’s not, excuse the pun, enduro specific. This whole thing is a bit of a blow.

    • Hi Tom,

      I’d suggest you speak to them over the phone and tell that what events you plan to take part in they will be able to point you in the right direction.

  24. Hi UKGE. I understand that you have made the insurance a mandatory requirement. As a result there are now a number of options; either buy from your preferred supplier or use another personal accident / injury insurance. The question that is on everyone’s lips is why? This is an option available to all individuals who partake in sporting events for example any type of Motorsport. However nowhere in any of these event is it a requirement to have personal cover. Please can the decision maker provide a statement to advise why this is now a mandatory requirement for entering any UKGE. I will be entering and gaining the required insurance, however there are so many unanswered questions surrounding the justification. All that is required is an official statement. You can add me to the list of people who want to know. Thanks

    • Hi Michael,

      Thank you for your considered post I’m going to forward the to the race director Steve Parr so he can provide a response. Bare with us and we’ll get something to you and everyone else.

      • Cheers Matthew. Looking forward to another top series of races.

        • Thanks Michael

  25. Hi guys, How much is the race entry in 2015 and will it be the same for the National Champs?

  26. Hi, I’ve just filled the online form out and received a call straight away from a mobile number a very nice lady who informed me it £8 a month of basic cover to satisfy stev parr and co but no loss of earnings cover. All a bit vague!!
    I can’t find a web site for bespoke finance? Or a link?

  27. Hi guys – given that insurance is now not included, will we be seeing a corresponding decrease in the entry fee’s? I am guessing you had to pay BC for the cover they provided, and racing is now really expensive so it would be great to see some savings on entries to help us afford the cost of additional insurance!

    • Hi Gareth,

      Your third party insurance is still included as before. What we are asking is for you to insure yourself. I appreciate the cost of racing is high.

  28. Will NHs cover personal insurance for accidents?

    • Hi Ed,

      Sorry, I don’t understand your question.

  29. So if I want to race next year I need to buy a new helmet and arrange extra insurance?
    It’s just not going to be worth the effort, especially if I have to ride a good distance either wearing a full face helmet or carrying an extra helmet.

    • Hi Steve,

      I hear you Steve, it’s not an ideal situation but it is the one we face.

  30. Is it not possible to include the insurance in the entry fee? I also race motocross, costs me a lot less to enter a race and I don’t have to have insurance,all this just doesn’t make sense to a lot of people. If I’m injured in a road race BC aren’t gonna pay my mortgage, so there must be a very low level of insurance required to race GE, and you need to make this clear so people can find insurance elsewhere, otherwise they’ll pay a fortune for something completely unnecessary.

    • Hi Mike,

      In answer to your fist questions, no this can not be included in your entry fee (although the organiser 3rd party insurance already is). The reason being that the cost of personal accident insurance depends on the individual, so each case is different. Sorry not sure I understand you point about road races.

  31. following the previous comment, excuse me if I’m beig stupid.

    Isn’t this why we have the NHS (for personal injury like any other sport) and therefore covered for personal injury and therefore why do we need this insurance?


    • Hi Mike,

      Whilst the merits of this could be discussed at length it is a requirement of your entry. So if you do not wish to purchase it then you will not be able to take part in our events.

      • Er, then let’s discuss it at length. You’re being quite curt and rude to your customer base here. Explain exactly what we need, and to soften the blow explain WHY we need it.

        • Hi Seb,

          Sorry if it seems that way, that not my intention. I’ve been typing replies to questions for a good few hours now so perhaps got a little flustered. I’m not hear to discuss the situation rather to relay the facts as they are given to me. They are you need personal accident cover that covers you whilst taking part in a competitive (mtb) race.

  32. “UKGE has introduced mandatory “full face” helmets on stages and the next step is every rider must have personal insurance.

    Are you still allowing the Bell Super 2R or does it now need to be a “full time” full face?


    • Hi Mason,

      Yeah the “Bell” is good to go.

      • Thanks Matthew

        • Thanks Mason

  33. As a previous poster has asked, yet not had an answer..

    Can someone please clarify the minimum levels of cover needed to enter your race series.

    I don’t want, or need to speak to a broker, I just want to know what you expect in order to be able to enter a race.

    • Hi Steve,

      You need insurance that covers you for personal accidents whilst taking part in competitive races.

      • Matt, that doesn’t really answer the question. The NHS covers putting me back together, my work covers my salary, and if involved in a racing incident your event insurance is in place to cover that. So I’m genuinely not sure what extra cover I should need?

        • Hi Mark,

          You need personal accident cover that covers you whilst taking part in a competitive (mtb) race. Whilst the merits of this could be discussed at length it is a requirement of your entry. So if you do not wish to purchase it then you will not be able to take part in our events.

      • Whilst I’m sure you’re fed up with the shambles you’ve created, and the resulting fallout due to poor communication of the facts, there is are still more holes in this than Swiss cheese.

        The DPA prevents you speaking to my insurers (if I had one anyway) to confirm anything and a certificate is not necessarily a valid proof of insurance at the time of presenting.

        Still no actual reason WHY I need to insure myself for this type of racing. Your stigmatic response of “our ball, our rules” is repeatedly biting you on the arse here.

        It’s a complete shambles, that appears to have been conceived on the back of a fag packet.

        You do realise as soon as you enforce this and people start nailing themselves in your races, these insurance companies are coming knocking on your doors don’t you?

        You are potentially creating a monsterous insurance shit storm on your door step, yet are utterly oblivious to it.

        I have no idea who your insurance advisor/provider is, but as someone else who works in this area, they have done an amazingly shitty job by encouraging you down this road.

        I hope you realise the error of your ways before it’s too late.

        • Hi Steve,

          I have asked Steve and Charlie to provide a statement on why personal accident cover is a requirement for entry in 2015. This will be posted in due course. I appreciate that this is an area you work in and no doubt know more about it than most. But I’m sure you’ll understand that they have chosen to take there advise as given to them. If you feel you can add to this perhaps you could address your concerns to Steve Parr directly in an email.

  34. Insurance against what? injury/3rd party liability/legal action/poor weather/loss of earnings?

    This is really vague

    • Hi Mark,

      A good insurance policy that covers you for competitive racing will also cover you for all the things you have mentioned. Accept poor weather I suspect.

      Please contact our preferred insurance supplier Bespoke Financial, who will detail the level of cover, you can then go and see if you can get this elsewhere if you prefer.

      Any questions, just ask?

  35. Can you clarify if insurance with Bespoke Financial is a mandatory requirement – or would alternative insurance be acceptable?

    If alternatives are aceptable, what are the minimum requirements?

    I normally do an annual policy that covers me for travel as well – be good to know before I renew that policy.


    • Hi Phil,

      Although Bespoke Insurance is our preferred provider, you can source your insurance elsewhere we are not tying you in to anything. Any insurance will need to cover you for taking part in competitive races. You will need to prove to us (send us copies of your certificate of insurance) that you adequately covered and that your cover is in place across any races dates that you plan to enter.

      We are able to liaise with Bespoke Financial to check this information hence they are our preferred supplier.

      Any questions, just ask?


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