2015 UK Gravity Enduro

Rider Reps for the UK Gravity Enduro


Dave Wills will be chairing the next riders meeting to be held at Rd4 Eastridge at 6pm on the Saturday evening. Meet at the Sign on tent.

Got any issues or concerns bring them to the meeting and Dave will hear you out.


A message from Steve and Adrian “After a great suggestion from Matthew Coxhead at Sight Direct Sunglasses we are going to appoint a rider rep, so if you have quieries/suggestions for the series you will have an outlet for them.”

In response Matthew has offered to chair the first meeting, to get things under way.

Matthew said this “We will meet on the Saturday of each race weekend at around 6pm (meeting will last 1hr) to discuss riders suggestions, concerns and what we have spotted for ourselves. At the first meeting will also look to appoint a rider rep, one for each cat. and in addition to this one rider rep will be appointed as the main lesion between the riders reps and the race organisers. During this first meeting we will also establish a few basic rules on how the rider reps operate and what is and is not in our remit. ***THIS NEXT BIT IS IMPORTANT*** If you want your voice to be heard in the development of enduro style racing in the UK you need to attend the meeting at 6pm, if you have ideas, concerns, or just want to oversee how the meeting is conducted be there. Do not forget to show up or be late or not be bothered and then expect either the rider reps or intern the race organisers to hear you. This is the opportunity for the riders to influence how the series progresses for the benefit of all. Look forward to meeting one and all that what to take part at 6pm Saturday at the sign on tent. Any question, don’t bother asking here, but do feel free to write them down and bring them along to the first meeting 😉 Booo shaka lak”

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